Undergraduate studies act as a foundation and a preparation for graduate studies. Graduate studies emphasize a focus on individual research. The department provides students with a choice of four courses of study for a master’s degree, that will be further explained. In addition, students may choose several courses that correspond with either urban studies or environmental sciences, as well as a personalized course of study for excellence students. Beginning in July 2010, alumni of the Hebrew University’s Graduate program, who were granted a Master’s degree and have submitted a thesis will be able to finish according to these changes:
The studies will take two years and include the choice of two paths:
Research path – including a research project (thesis) – studies that enable a continuation into doctoral studies. These will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays (details about the courses and their specific times will appear in the University’s calendar).
Non-research path – does not include a research project. Classes will take place on Tuesdays (details about the courses and their specific times will appear in the University’s calendar).
The Graduate Studies are structured around four concentrations:
Every student will belong to one of these specialties. The four concentrations include basic required courses, and will direct students towards the programs of study that fit their specialties.
In addition, there exist two additional concentrations:
Sociological and Anthropological studies with a focus on urban and environmental sciences.
Sociological and Anthropological Studies with a focus on management, planning, and borderingcountries.
A personalized program of study within the department and in collaboration with another department. The personalized program requires around 52-54 credits and is available for students who have achieved excellency (with a GPA of 90 at least), that are studying in the research path, and are instructed under the mentorship of a teacher in the department with the approval of a counselor from the corresponding studies.
The studies are based on required classes for every program, required classes for specific programs, and elective classes. In general, required foundational classes and some of the program-specific required classes are taught in the first year of the degree. Specialized classes within the student’s chosen program of study are taught in the second year.
Students in this path will be exposed to a wide variety of theoreticians who formulated different questions, problems, paradoxes and explanations for a myriad of subjects around which the current social dialogue ensues in the fields of politics, religion, statehood, economy, gender identity, etc. In addition, students will take courses in the different methodologies that characterize qualitative and quantitative sociological studies. This path is intended for students that wish to understand and obtain theoretical tools and methodologies in order to explain the dynamic social and cultural world.
Majoring in Anthropology offers a mastery of theories and methodological tools that will provide students to connect with their field studies and to collect relevant data in order to better understand them. Besides the connection to theories and methodological tools that are central to the discipline, the department offers thematic courses in a number of different and fascinating subjects such as politics and inequality, the self and emotions, medicine and fertility, religion and ritual, creativity and technology, and more.
Studies in this department create a good basis for academic development and work in the field as an Organization’s advisor and as a professional in organizational development; the instruction and evaluation starts here.
Candidates are recommended to study introduction to organizational behavior and social psychology as part of their Undergraduate studies.
The number of acceptances is limited, and is based on resume details, recommendations, achievements in previous academic institutions, and a personal interview. The department offers a closer look at organizational development as well as to their inner workings and establishment of order. In addition, the department offers knowledge of the meaning and value of work, the way in which communication networks within and between organizations are created, and the foundation of power relations, networking, and hierarchy. Phenomena such as leadership, organizational culture, teamwork, relations between the organizations and its vicinity are researched and studied. The program offers a close connection between theory and action, including relevant experiences. Close attention is paid to organizational advisory in this framework.
The department will accept the highest achievers among the applicants in accordance with the decisions of its acceptance committee.
Population studies is a wide field that deals with economic, social, and political causes and consequences of population change. The study of demography is interdisciplinary in nature. Demographers deal with different subjects from social mobilization to gender and family. The department provides students with tools for data analysis (mostly) for quantative analysis of social subjects. The department offers theoretical and practical courses that allow the student to work with data pools.