Prof. Edna Lomsky-Feder is a qualitative sociologist who investigates the conjunctures between agents and society as manifested through the interplay between individual and collective identity, private and social biography, and personal and national memory. In exploring these issues over the years, she has chosen to study three potentially crisis-laden transitional states -- youth, war and migration -- in which the encounter between individual and society is intensified.
Her latest project is focused on the military experience of women in Israel.
Selected publications:
- Lomsky-Feder E., & Sasson-Levy, O., forthcoming 2017. Women Soldiers and Citizenship in Israel: Gendered Encounters with the State. Oxfordshire: Routledge.
- Sasson-Levy, O., & Lomsky-Feder, E. (eds.), forthcoming 2017. Army and Gender in Israel. Jerusalem and Tel Aviv: Van Leer and Ha'kibutz Ha'meuchad. [Hebrew].
- Lomsky-Feder E., & Sasson-Levy, O., 2015. "Serving the Army as Secretaries: Intersectionality, Multi-Level Contract, and Subjective Experience of Citizenship", British Journal of Sociology 66(1):173-192.
- Lomsky-Feder, E., & Ben-Ari, E., 2013, "Managing Diversity in Context: Unit Level Dynamics in the Israel Defense Forces", Armed Forces & Society, 39(2): 193-212.
- Lomsky-Feder, E., 2011, "Competing Models of Nationalism: An Analysis of Memorial Ceremonies in Schools", Nation and Nationalism, 17(3): 581-603.
- Ben-Ze'ev, E., Lomsky-Feder, E., 2009, "The Canonical Generation: Trapped between Personal and National Memories", Sociology, 43(6): 1047-1065.