Gili Hammer (Ph.D., 2014) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and the Program in Cultural Studies. Between the years 2014-2015 she was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, and between the years 2013-2014 she was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Michigan. In her doctoral research, she focused on the social constructions of gender and femininity among blind women, and on the cultural construction of blindness and sight in the Israeli public sphere. Her current project examines people with and without disabilities in the “disability culture” phenomenon, studying professional and community-based integrated dance companies, as well as projects in the fields of education and the arts. The research focuses on sensory practices such as movement and the kinesthetic body among research participants, analyzing the ways “corporeal otherness” is represented, negotiated, and regulated in the public sphere, and the meeting between varied body types. Her fields of research include disability studies, anthropology of the senses, gender studies, research of visual culture, anthropological and sociological theory, performance studies.